Obama Senior Advisor Jarrett Meets with Council Executives

Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to President Obama, met with Bay Area Council members this week (June 20) and briefed them on some of the issues on which the President is focused during the remainder of his term. Jarrett talked about how improving diversity and gender equity in the workforce and the executive suite, particularly as it relates to pay, can have broad benefits for the economy. “This isn’t just a nice-to-do-for-women issue anymore.”

She praised the work the Council is doing in this area under the leadership of our Gender Equity Committee Co-Chairs Peg McAllister of Lee Hecht Harrison, Stuart Newton of Deloitte and Chistopher Ruhl of PwC, including our advocacy in helping pass San Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener’s historic paid parental leave legislation. On July 29 the Bay Area Council Economic Institute in partnership with Jennifer Siebel Newsom’s The Representation Project will unveil a new study examining the economics of promoting gender equity and highlight innovative strategies that Bay Area companies are adopting.

Jarrett also highlighted the President’s work on criminal justice reform and expanding opportunities for boys and men of color (BMoC). The Council is working with several regional partners, including LeadersUp, PolicyLink, and Urban Strategies Council, to launch the Bay Area BMoC Employment Project and on Thursday July 21 is helping organize The Invest in Youth: Pathways to Success Boys and Men of Color Career Summit to provide boys and men of color between the ages of 18 to 29 with opportunities to interview with employers, connect to community resources, and participate in career preparation and leadership development training.

The meeting ended with a lively discussion on gun control. To engage in the Council’s federal policy work, please contact Senior Advisor George Broder at gbroder@bayareacouncil.org.

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