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Two new reports this week (Aug. 10) pointed to the need for urgency in solving California’s perennial water crisis and helped highlight the Bay Area Council’s continuing work to increase conservation and better manage groundwater. Columbia University scientists released findings on Thursday (Aug. 13) estimating climate change has likely intensified California’s drought by 15 to 20 percent. The report estimated that the odds of California suffering extreme droughts have roughly doubled over the past century.

Another study released by NASA this week found that aggressive groundwater pumping is causing some parts of the Central Valley to sink an astonishing 2 inches per month, leading to millions in damage to water and other vital infrastructure. The Council helped pass landmark groundwater legislation in 2014, and is looking for ways to expedite its implementation. To engage with the Water Committee, including attending upcoming meetings on September 4th and 8th, please contact Policy Associate Rachel Trigueros.

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