Council Advocacy Helps Approval of UCSF Parnassus Heights Project

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Yesterday (Jan. 21), the UC Board of Regents voted to approve a project by UC San Francisco (UCSF) to modernize the university’s 70-year-old Parnassus Heights campus. Despite vocal opposition from some residents and a resolution from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors asking the regents to delay approval, the project is now allowed to move forward. The Bay Area Council endorsed this project last year, wrote multiple letters in support, and attended four public hearings this month, including the UC Regents meeting, sharing our support of this much needed project. The project includes rebuilding UCSF’s hospital, creating more than 1,200 units of workforce housing and investing in a broad range of transportation, open space and community services.  To support more projects like this, or receive an endorsement of your own, please contact Policy Manager Kelli Fallon at

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