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The Council believes that the most cost-effective way to address the achievement gap in California education is to act early. Backed by hard data, we have found that preschool and other forms of childcare for single or economically-challenged parents have shown the highest return on investment in improving later education performance, plus reduce crime and other societal challenges.  Our efforts are led by one of our region’s most inspirational and civically minded CEOs, George Halvorson of Kaiser Permanente.  We recorded this video of George’s work on the issue.

As you might recall, this year we fought hard and fought successfully to have state budget funding cuts restored in early childhood programs.  Thanks in part to our advocacy, the Legislature reversed what had been called “the most painful cut” the Legislature had to make earlier in the year.  It restored preschool and other childcare to 35,490 kids.  Our thanks to George Halvorson and all of our members who allow us to work on such important issues.

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