San Francisco Foundation Awards $50K Grant for Climate Bay Area

By Chandra Alexandre

The Bay Area Council Economic Institute (BACEI) and the regional Joint Policy Committee (JPC) are pleased to announce their partnership with the San Francisco Foundation, which has awarded a $50,000 grant to support Climate Bay Area (CBA), the new regional climate organization run by BACEI and the JPC. The grant will enable Climate Bay Area to develop an innovative strategic initiative on climate protection, bringing together high-level Bay Area leaders from diverse interest groups. The grant will also help CBA recruit major businesses to partner with government and non-profit organizations on specific regional climate projects.

Why Climate Bay Area?

Hundreds of Bay Area businesses, government agencies and non-profits are now actively engaged in climate protection and adaptation work. These organizations are developing programs and advocating for action, but for the most part are not connected to each other and therefore lack both scale and impact. The next major step—the implementation of strategies that will significantly reduce emissions and prepare our cities for climate impacts—is yet to come and will require engagement from many directions, including business. To facilitate progress toward meeting AB 32 targets, in a manner that is consistent with both climate and economic goals, Climate Bay Area (CBA) will serve as a resource for the region, bringing together public, private and non-profit stakeholders to address relevant issues. By providing critical support and networking, CBA will help the Bay Area climate movement to move forward at the speed and scale required, and help make the Bay Area a state and national model for climate change management..


Climate Bay Area was formed in July, 2009, by the Joint Policy Committee—the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Association of Bay Area Governments, and the Bay Conservation and Development Commission. The JPC consists of five elected officials from each of the four regional agencies. The Bay Area Council Economic Institute (BACEI) is the JPC’s partner in developing and managing Climate Bay Area. The Institute’s Board of Trustees is composed of business leaders appointed by the Bay Area Council, elected officials appointed by ABAG, the executive directors of the four JPC agencies, and leaders from universities and labor.

Climate Bay Area is led by a co-chair from each organization—the JPC’s Climate Consultant, Bruce Riordan and BACEI’s President, Sean Randolph. Both organizations will contribute resources to support CBA with the JPC Climate Consultant leading day-to-day operations. The Climate Bay Area Working Group, staff-level experts representing all sectors, will play a key role through in-person and web meetings.


For more information, please contact Sean Randolph, President of the Economic Institute, at 415-946-8722 or email

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