The Bay Area Council today (April 3) announced the launch of its new cyber security continuing education platform, the Bay Area Council Cyber Academy. The Cyber Academy, open to both members and non-members, provides valuable education for executives and managers of companies, organizations and agencies of all sizes, particularly for management, legal, financial, risk and operations professionals. Whether you are a CEO with employees or a line manager, you need to know more about cybersecurity, breaches, and the things you can do to help secure yourself and your company. For more information or to register, please visit the Bay Area Council Cyber Academy.

The first series of Cyber Academy courses to be held at the Bay Area Council in San Francisco will occur in May 2015, featuring three initial offerings:

  • Cyber Basics for the Non-Technical Professional (May 8 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:3 p.m.)
  • Legal Issues in Cybersecurity (May 8 from 1-5 p.m.)
  • Risk Management in Cybersecurity (May 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.)

To deliver the Cyber Academy, the Council has partnered with the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Cybersecurity and Communications. Additional visiting lecturers from leading positions in industry will lead courses as part of the Cyber Academy.

According to the Safenet Breach Level Index Report, 2.2 million records have been stolen each day on average, up 233 percent from a year ago. Costs of data breach are rising dramatically, according to industry observers, as much as 15 percent per year. Additionally, industry losses from theft of intellectual property amount to billions, though difficult to measure due to the unreported nature of some cybercrimes that take the form of industrial espionage. For more information and to register for one or all three courses, please visit the Bay Area Council Cyber Academy.

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