A new poll released this week (Jan. 29) offered very encouraging news for a possible BART bond measure in November, but the results also revealed that a vigorous campaign likely will be required to ensure victory. Poll results presented to the BART Board of Directors on Thursday (Jan. 29) measured support for three different bond amounts. Support was 71 percent for a $4.5 billion bond, 73 percent for a $3.5 billion bond and 76 percent for a $2.5 billion bond. After both pro and con messages were presented, support for the two lesser amounts slipped slightly but remained above the two-thirds thresholds necessary for passage and dropped below that level for the larger amount.

The Council, which was instrumental in the creation of BART and has long advocated for increased investment in the aging and overcrowded system, is in regular consultation with BART leaders as they deliberate on the question of moving forward with a bond measure. With what is expected to be a crowded ballot in November, the Council believes any measure will require a strong and well-funded campaign. To engage in our transportation policy work, please contact Senior Vice President Michael Cunningham.

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