
Proposed Water Cuts Could Be Devastating for Bay Area

The Bay Area Council voiced strong concerns at a State Water Resources Board hearing Tuesday (Jan. 3) on proposed changes to how water is allocated...

Council Pushes for Legislative Action on Housing Crisis

As the Bay Area Council gears up to drive action in the Legislature this year on California’s housing crisis, a new report out this week provides...

Council in the Mix as Affordable Care Act Repeal Plans Debated

Anxieties are running high as the new Administration and Congress are signaling imminent changes to the Affordable Care Act if not a full repeal.

What the President-Elect Should Know about Trade, Manufacturing & Jobs

A wave of working-class anger and discontent over lost manufacturing jobs is credited by many with helping Donald Trump win the White House, but a ...

Help End the Scourge of Family Homelessness

The Bay Area Council is urging its members to help secure a $10 million challenge grant from Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff and his wife, Lynne, to fu...

Bay Area Water Leaders Give Input to National Policy Agenda

Forty of the Bay Area’s top water leaders convened at Google on Thursday (Dec. 15) to map out federal water advocacy in the Trump-era.

Council Joins President Obama for Final My Brother’s Keeper White House Convening

This week, Bay Area Council Economic Institute President Micah Weinberg attended the final White House convening for President Obama's My Brother's...

Taking Action to Address Workforce Needs

The Bay Area Council recently hosted Van Ton-Quinlivan (Vice Chancellor for Workforce and Economic Development, California Community Colleges) and ...

Decision Time: Keeping the Raiders in Oakland

A deal to build a modern, new stadium for the Oakland Raiders is headed to the Oakland City Council next Tuesday, and the Bay Area Council is worki...

Will 2017 Be the Year for Housing Solutions in Sacramento?

A who’s who of Bay Area housing leaders and major employers converged on the Bay Area Council Thursday for an unvarnished and sobering discussion...
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