
Doyle Drive Public-Private Partnership Prompts Lawsuit From State Public Engineers Union

The state engineers union is suing to stop the Doyle Drive rebuild because it is partially financed through a public-private partnership (P3) with ...

Article of the Week

The Brookings Institution has released a new report highlighting the importance of metro areas in the global economy. The world’s top 150 metro a...

San Jose Mercury News – Silicon Valley economy expected to bounce back

Silicon Valley's economy should rebound from the recession before the rest of the state and Bay Area, thanks to an infusion of venture capital and ...

2010 Regional Economic Forecast Conference Series: An Uncertain Recovery

The Bay Area Council Economic Institute, in partnership with Beacon Economics, is pleased to present its 2010 series of regional economic forecast ...

What businesses need to get moving

For those who didn’t catch this last week, here is my op-ed on “economic uncertainty” that was published in the San Francisco Business Times.

Governor Schwarzenegger, Bay Area Council, Announce Bid for 2020 World Expo

On Sunday, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger joined Bay Area Council President & CEO Jim Wunderman to announce that California will bid to host the 20...

The America’s Cup: Economic Impacts of a Match on San Francisco Bay

Today, the Bay Area Council Economic Institute released "The America's Cup: Economic Impacts of a Match on San Francisco Bay."

BAC Economic Institute’s Report Calls for Economic Reset

This week the Bay Area Council Economic Institute, with the help of McKinsey & Co., released the seventh biannual Bay Area Economic Profile Report,...

San Francisco Foundation Awards $50K Grant for Climate Bay Area

The Bay Area Council Economic Institute (BACEI) and the regional Joint Policy Committee (JPC) are pleased to announce their partnership with the Sa...

Governor Signs Green Tech Jobs Bill

Today Governor Schwarzenegger signed SB 71 (Padilla, D-Pacoima) into law, creating a sales tax exemption for the purchase of green tech manufacturi...
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