
Council Urges Continued Talks on By-Right Housing Reforms

The Bay Area Council and Southern California Leadership Council, which are leading a statewide coalition of employers, affordable housing advocates...

Second Dwelling Unit Bill Clears Key Assembly Committee

Legislation (SB 1069) by Senator Bob Wieckowski that the Bay Area Council is sponsoring to ease restrictions on second dwelling units sailed throug...

New Report: Housing Crisis Threatens CA Climate Change Goals

California’s epic housing crisis is threatening to derail landmark greenhouse gas reduction laws that for a decade have made California a global ...

Council Battles Stiff Opposition on Fast Track Housing Bill

It’s do or die time for legislation the Bay Area Council is championing to help combat California’s epic housing crisis. As legislators returne...

No Summer Recess in Work to Win Landmark Housing Reform

The Legislature may be on summer recess, but the Bay Area Council isn’t taking a break from its continuing work to win approval of Governor Jerry...

Council Housing Committee Co-Chair Kofi Bonner Highlights Governor’s Streamlining Affordable Housing Bill on “Market Makers”

Bay Area Council Housing Co-Chair and Regional President of Five Point Holdings Kofi Bonner was featured this week on The Registry’s “Market Ma...

Council Scores Big Wins this Week in Sacramento

The Council’s two sponsored bills SB 1069 and AB 1755 were both passed by Legislative Committees this week in Sacramento. SB 1069 authored by Se...

Can Megaregion Approach Help Solve Megaproblems?

The Northern California megaregion is one of the largest and fastest-growing in the United States, but the rapid speed and scale at which it is tak...

New Report: As Northern California Megaregion Takes Shape, Megaproblems Intensify

The Northern California megaregion is one of the largest and fastest-growing in the United States, but the rapid speed and scale at which it is tak...

Council Cramming for Legislative Finals Ahead of Summer Recess

With the Legislature’s summer recess looming, the Bay Area Council is cramming to get strong grades on its legislative agenda. So far, so good.
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