
Executive Order Raises Concerns about Future of Presidio in San Francisco image

Executive Order Raises Concerns about Future of Presidio in San Francisco

The Bay Area Council today (Feb. 20) expressed strong concern about an executive order by President Trump that appeared to call for the elimination...
Voters Validate Council’s Ballot Endorsements image

Voters Validate Council’s Ballot Endorsements

The Bay Area Council ran the table in San Francisco in yesterday’s primary election. Proposition A, a $300 million affordable housing bond, sits ...
Bay Area Council Stands with Israel in Wake of Barbaric Attack; Calls for Peace image

Bay Area Council Stands with Israel in Wake of Barbaric Attack; Calls for Peace

The Bay Area Council this week issued the following statement in the wake of the violent attack by the terrorists group Hamas on Israel: “The bar...
Survey: Steady Uptick in Workers Returning to Office image

Survey: Steady Uptick in Workers Returning to Office

There’s been a slow, but steady uptick in the number of workers leaving behind their slippers, pajamas and Zoom meetings and returning in-person ...
Countering the False Narrative on San Francisco image

Countering the False Narrative on San Francisco

The Bay Area Council is a regional organization, but we are headquartered in San Francisco. So, we take particular umbrage when media stories dispr...
New study shows how communities in the Wildland Urban Interface can drastically reduce fire risk and reduce insurance premiums image

New study shows how communities in the Wildland Urban Interface can drastically reduce fire risk and reduce insurance premiums

Huge implications for insurance coverage and housing construction in communities in high wildfire-risk areas Today (April 17) the Bay Area Council ...
New Study: San Francisco Business Taxes Far Surpass Other Bay Area Cities image

New Study: San Francisco Business Taxes Far Surpass Other Bay Area Cities

Findings Highlight Significance of Business Taxes as Cities Ramp Up Competition for New Employers Many businesses have choices in where they decide...
Bay Area Council Statement on Gov. Newsom’s Proposed 2023 Budget image

Bay Area Council Statement on Gov. Newsom’s Proposed 2023 Budget

San Francisco—The Bay Area Council today (Jan. 10) issued the following statement on Gov. Newsom’s proposed 2023 budget. “California is facin...
Bay Area Council Launches 2023 Workforce Initiative image

Bay Area Council Launches 2023 Workforce Initiative

2023 promises to be a very big year for the Bay Area Council Workforce Committee.  Significant new philanthropic funding opportunities have enable...
A New Year, A New Agenda for Recovery, Growth image

A New Year, A New Agenda for Recovery, Growth

The Bay Area Council begins the new year with a renewed sense of optimism and energy, along with a sober and focused determination to tackle the si...
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