
Bay Area Council Survey Finds Growing Pressure to Reopen Economy image

Bay Area Council Survey Finds Growing Pressure to Reopen Economy

Strong support for shelter-in-place restrictions, but economic toll mounting as growing number of business see more layoffs coming Pressure is buil...
Council Mourns Passing of Linda Bidrossian image

Council Mourns Passing of Linda Bidrossian

On Saturday, April 18, the Bay Area Council received the crushing blow when our beloved Linda Bidrossian – the Senior Vice President of Publi...
Council Helps Secure Large Shipment of Masks for Port of Oakland image

Council Helps Secure Large Shipment of Masks for Port of Oakland

A large shipment of surgical masks the Bay Area Council sourced from a manufacturer in China and helped clear customs and other bureaucratic hurdle...
Council Engaging National Effort to Save Thousands of Nonprofits Excluded from CARES Act image

Council Engaging National Effort to Save Thousands of Nonprofits Excluded from CARES Act

Thousands of civic and community benefit organizations across the country employing almost 1.4 million people were wrongly excluded from the first ...
Council Delivers Thousands of Masks to Needy Organizations image

Council Delivers Thousands of Masks to Needy Organizations

With surgical masks in desperately short supply, the Bay Area Council this week delivered thousands of masks to the agency that manages San Francis...
April 3 COVID-19 Response Update image

April 3 COVID-19 Response Update

The Bay Area Council is continuing to work with our members, partners, and local, state and federal government officials on a variety of fronts to ...
Bay Area Council Poll: COVID-19 Economic Concerns Soar image

Bay Area Council Poll: COVID-19 Economic Concerns Soar

Bay Area residents’ concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic rose dramatically over a one-week period in mid-March as the virus spread, casualties mo...
Message from CEO Jim Wunderman image

Message from CEO Jim Wunderman

I hope this finds you all safe and healthy. These are unprecedented times. Our world has been turned upside down and inside out. Despite all the an...
COVID-19 Impacts Intensify, Widen; So Do Countermeasures image

COVID-19 Impacts Intensify, Widen; So Do Countermeasures

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic dramatically worsened this week, with schools and other public institutions closing, growing numbers of employ...
Coronavirus: Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands image

Coronavirus: Keep Calm and Wash Your Hands

The Bay Area Council is aware and takes seriously the growing spread of the coronavirus, its threat to public health and its impact on business and...
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