
Former Council Chair Mendonca Named Chief Economic, Business Advisor to Gov.-elect Newsom image

Former Council Chair Mendonca Named Chief Economic, Business Advisor to Gov.-elect Newsom

The Bay Area Council today (Jan. 5) heartily applauded the appointment of its former chair, Lenny Mendonca, to serve as Gov.-elect Gavin Newsom’s...
How an Earthquake and a Helicopter Ride Led to Regional Water Transit image

How an Earthquake and a Helicopter Ride Led to Regional Water Transit

The creation of the Bay Area’s modern-day regional water transit service may have all started with an earthquake and a helicopter ride.

Workforce of the Future Completes Grant with Citi Foundation

The Bay Area Council’s Workforce of the Future initiative wound down a successful grant with the Citi Foundation at the end of November.

Many Ways to Help Victims of Deadly Fires

Northern California too soon is reeling from a deadly fire. The Camp Fire in Butte County exploded to become one of the state’s most destructive ...

Council’s Wunderman among the Bay Area’s Most Admired CEOs

Great leadership, vision and values. Those were the themes of the San Francisco Business Times’ Most Admired CEOs Awards on Thursday celebrating ...

SF Business Times Names Its Most Admired CEOs of 2018

You'll never guess who was named one of the San Francisco Business Times outstanding CEOs of 2018? That's right.

Key Council-Backed Housing Legislation Advances

Legislation (SB 1227, Skinner) the Bay Area Council sponsored to address a critical statewide shortage of affordable student housing is headed to G...

JP Morgan Chase Grant Fuels Innovative Workforce Program

JPMorgan Chase & Co. continues its commitment to the Bay Area Council’s Workforce of the Future program with a $100,000 grant.

Council CEO Again Named to Top 100 Influencers List

For the fourth straight year, Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman was named to the Capitol Weekly’s Top 100 Influencers list.

Sen. Feinstein Leads Landmark Shoreline Restoration Project Launch

Sen. Dianne Feinstein led a group of local, state and federal officials in a ceremony Friday in San Jose’s Alviso neighborhood launching the Sout...
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