
New Report: Overcoming CA’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Deficit image

New Report: Overcoming CA’s $1 Trillion Infrastructure Deficit

With California facing a $1 trillion infrastructure deficit between now and 2050, a new Bay Area Council Economic Institute report explores how pub...

Council CEO Calls for Regional “Mutual Aid” Response for BART

Bay Area Council President and CEO Jim Wunderman today (Aug. 8) called for an immediate regional “mutual aid” response by Bay Area law enforcem...

Responding to New Threat to Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System

The Bay Area Council today (July 24) issued the following statement following a recent visit by U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to Yosemite Nati...
Da Mayor Honored for Lifetime of Civil Rights Leadership image

Da Mayor Honored for Lifetime of Civil Rights Leadership

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown Jr. was awarded the NAACP’s Spingarn Medal on Wednesday, July 18 for his lifelong commitment to the commu...
Careers Take Flight at Working@SJC image

Careers Take Flight at Working@SJC

Amid San Jose’s warm and sunny weather Tuesday afternoon, roughly 70 job seekers, educators, and talent trainers attended Working@SJC at Mineta S...

New Report: Tri-Valley Rising 2018

There’s a valley in the Bay Area that has been leading the region in job creation over the past 12 years, but it’s not the valley you might be ...

Statement Denouncing Misguided Regional Measure 3 Lawsuit

The Bay Area Council today (July 10) issued the following statement responding to a lawsuit seeking to invalidate Regional Measure 3 (RM3), an init...

ADVISORY: Bay Area Council Economic Institute to Unveil New Regional Economic Profile

This Tuesday the Bay Area Council Economic Institute will release its biannual comprehensive analysis of the regional economy with exclusive data ...


The Bay Area Council applauds Governor Jerry Brown and the Legislative Leadership’s decision to convene a conference committee dedicated to Wildf...

Endgame: Tariffs, Technology and China

The United States and China are aggressively sparring over tariffs, trade and technology. The real issue isn’t about the lists of tariffs that ea...
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