
Take Action: Support UCSF Parnassus Heights Plan image

Take Action: Support UCSF Parnassus Heights Plan

A UC San Francisco project the Bay Area Council has endorsed to modernize the university’s 70-year-old Parnassus Heights campus took an important...
Call to Participate in Bay Area Council Focus Groups on Returning to Transit image

Call to Participate in Bay Area Council Focus Groups on Returning to Transit

The Bay Area Council is inviting employers to join focus groups for in-depth conversations about returning to work and using transit...
Council Helps Secure Almost $1 Billion for Regional Transportation image

Council Helps Secure Almost $1 Billion for Regional Transportation

The Bay Area Council applauds Congress for awarding almost $980 million to the Bay Area to support our regional transportation systems. The latest ...
In Memoriam: Silicon Valley Legend and Former Bay Area Council Chair Paul Cook image

In Memoriam: Silicon Valley Legend and Former Bay Area Council Chair Paul Cook

The Bay Area Council is mourning the recent death of Paul Cook, a Silicon Valley legend who helped pioneer the Bay Area’s tech and innovation ind...
Newsom Plan for Helping Struggling Businesses a Welcome Start image

Newsom Plan for Helping Struggling Businesses a Welcome Start

Gov. Newsom this week previewed his plans to spend $4.5 billion to support California’s COVID-wracked economy through a variety of investments an...
Business Climate Woes Weigh Heavily image

Business Climate Woes Weigh Heavily

Beyond the hard data and growing anecdotal evidence of departing companies, declining investment, lost jobs and shrinking population, California’...
Grim COVID News Calls for Redoubling Safety Precautions image

Grim COVID News Calls for Redoubling Safety Precautions

News reports this week delivered some gut-punching statistics about the very serious spike of COVID-19 in the Bay Area and California:  T...
Declining Population Signals More Trouble for Economy image

Declining Population Signals More Trouble for Economy

New data released Wednesday by the California Department of Finance shows the nine-county Bay Area total population stagnating between July 2019 an...
Small Business Getting Walloped by Pandemic Closures image

Small Business Getting Walloped by Pandemic Closures

As the state of California faces new public health orders to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, a new Small Business Majority scientific poll release...
Clint Reilly Expands Media Holdings image

Clint Reilly Expands Media Holdings

Legendary political strategist, real estate mogul and philanthropist Clint Reilly this week expanded his growing media holdings with the purchase o...
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