Press Releases

Key Council-Backed Housing Legislation Advances

Legislation (SB 1227, Skinner) the Bay Area Council sponsored to address a critical statewide shortage of affordable student housing is headed to G...

Council CEO Calls for Regional “Mutual Aid” Response for BART

Bay Area Council President and CEO Jim Wunderman today (Aug. 8) called for an immediate regional “mutual aid” response by Bay Area law enforcem...

Responding to New Threat to Hetch Hetchy Water and Power System

The Bay Area Council today (July 24) issued the following statement following a recent visit by U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to Yosemite Nati...

Statement Denouncing Misguided Regional Measure 3 Lawsuit

The Bay Area Council today (July 10) issued the following statement responding to a lawsuit seeking to invalidate Regional Measure 3 (RM3), an init...

ADVISORY: Bay Area Council Economic Institute to Unveil New Regional Economic Profile

This Tuesday the Bay Area Council Economic Institute will release its biannual comprehensive analysis of the regional economy with exclusive data ...


The Bay Area Council applauds Governor Jerry Brown and the Legislative Leadership’s decision to convene a conference committee dedicated to Wildf...

Council Urges Immediate Action on Comprehensive Federal Immigration Reform

The Bay Area Council today (June 20) issued the following statement on the urgent need for enacting comprehensive immigration reform and ending the...
2018BACPoll: Voters Hold Dim View of Tax Reform, Immigration Crackdown image

2018BACPoll: Voters Hold Dim View of Tax Reform, Immigration Crackdown

As the national debate on immigration rumbles – from banning or punishing so-called sanctuary cities, fortifying borders, ending Deferred Action ...

2018 BACPoll: 4 of 10 Have Witnessed Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Almost four out of 10 Bay Area voters say they have witnessed sexual harassment in the workplace and a quarter say they’ve personally experienced...
2018 BACPoll: Can Transportation Tech Solve Bay Area Traffic? image

2018 BACPoll: Can Transportation Tech Solve Bay Area Traffic?

Bay Area voters are embracing new automobile and transportation technologies, from ride-hailing apps to responsive traffic signals, drones and elec...
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