Press Releases

BACPoll: Economic Confidence Softening

Bay Area residents agree the regional economy is humming right along, according to results of the 2016 Bay Area Council Poll released today, but a ...

BACPoll: One Third of Residents Ponder Leaving Bay Area

Soaring housing costs stemming from a chronic shortage combined with an overwhelmed transportation system and grinding traffic are taking a heavy t...

Council’s Early Ed Campaign Honored

The ground-breaking Talk Read Sign program that the Bay Area Council developed to promote early childhood education has been recognized with a pres...

Lucas Museum: From Buzz to Action

Buzz is growing about the possibility of the Bay Area being reconsidered as a site for the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art as the project hits new po...

Bay Restoration Campaign Gets a Big Boost

A regional ballot measure campaign that the Bay Area Council is helping lead to raise funding for San Francisco Bay restoration got a major boost t...

Bay Area Council Brokers Agreement with SF Supervisors to Keep Commuter Shuttles Moving

The Bay Area Council today (Feb. 23) announced an agreement that will ensure the continuing operation of commuter shuttles in San Francisco that re...

Sen. Feinstein Announced as Co-Chair of Bay Restoration Campaign

The regional campaign (Yes on Measure AA) that the Bay Area Council is helping lead to protect and restore San Francisco Bay got a significant boos...

Report: Economic Benefits of 2nd Transbay Rail Crossing

Building a second transbay rail crossing would have enormous economic benefits for the Bay Area, according to a new report the Bay Area Council Eco...

New Poll: Strong Support for Commuter Shuttles

The Bay Area Council today (Jan. 20) released results of a new poll that shows strong support among San Francisco voters for commuter shuttles, wit...


As reported on the front page of Thursday’s (Jan. 14) San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority voted unanimously to p...
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