Press Releases

Bay Area Council Survey Finds Growing Pressure to Reopen Economy image

Bay Area Council Survey Finds Growing Pressure to Reopen Economy

Strong support for shelter-in-place restrictions, but economic toll mounting as growing number of business see more layoffs coming Pressure is buil...
Council Urges Reauthorization of Federal Transportation Funding Bill image

Council Urges Reauthorization of Federal Transportation Funding Bill

United by an ambitious transportation agenda for our country, the Metropolitan Civic Leadership Alliance, a new group of nine business-led civic or...
Bay Area Council Announces Alliance with 2020 PGA Championship image

Bay Area Council Announces Alliance with 2020 PGA Championship

The Bay Area Council and the 2020 PGA Championship, along with SF Travel and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, today announced an exciting new...
Bay Area Council Leads Delegation to India to Expand, Deepen Economic Ties image

Bay Area Council Leads Delegation to India to Expand, Deepen Economic Ties

California and the Bay Area-Silicon Valley are poised to reap significant benefits from deepening economic ties with India as the South Asian count...
Bay Area Council Supports SB 50 to Address California’s Housing Crisis image

Bay Area Council Supports SB 50 to Address California’s Housing Crisis

The Bay Area Council issued the following statement in support of legislation (SB 50) announced today (Jan. 7) by state Sen. Scott Wiener and other...
Gov. Newsom Names Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman to Helm Water Emergency Transportation Authority image

Gov. Newsom Names Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman to Helm Water Emergency Transportation Authority

Bay Area Council CEO Jim Wunderman has been named by Gov. Gavin Newsom to serve as Chair of the Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA), wh...
Bay Area Council Names New Leader to Head Its Economic Institute image

Bay Area Council Names New Leader to Head Its Economic Institute

The Bay Area Council has named Jeff Bellisario Executive Director of its Economic Institute, one of the region’s premier research organizations w...
Council Praises Agreement on USMCA image

Council Praises Agreement on USMCA

The Bay Area Council praised Congressional leaders for reaching agreement this week on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. “California’s economic...
California Resilience Challenge Announces Statewide Competition for Climate Adaptation Projects image

California Resilience Challenge Announces Statewide Competition for Climate Adaptation Projects

The Bay Area Council today launched the official request for proposals for the “California Resilience Challenge” — a $2 million statewide com...
President Napolitano’s Leadership Elevated the University of California image

President Napolitano’s Leadership Elevated the University of California

The Bay Area Council today (Sept. 18) issued the following statement on University of California President Janet Napolitano’s announcement that s...
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