Member Spotlight: Landed

Founded in 2015 by Stanford Business School alumni facing the uncertainty of being able to afford to buy a home in the Bay Area themselves, Landed seeks to help essential professionals build financial security in the communities they serve. In the last two years, Landed has partnered with more than 50 public school districts across the Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Denver to offer an innovative shared equity down payment assistance program. Educators receive up to $120,000 towards the down payment on a home in exchange for sharing in the future appreciation in the home’s value at sale or refinance.

Earlier this year, Landed launched Landed Housing Solutions (LHS) to help employers – companies, nonprofits, and municipalities – create and manage their own shared equity down payment programs. In May, LHS launched its first university partnership with Santa Clara University to help their faculty buy homes near campus. These custom housing programs allow employers to invest directly in the homes of employees, sharing in the long-term gain of the properties, without the support being taxed as income. Employers interested in exploring home ownership programs for their employees can contact for more information.

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