
Join us for a Members-Only Preview of our newly renovated, floating ferry boat office on our NEW DATE: September 20th from 9 to 11am. All employees of Bay Area Council member companies are invited.

Come and inspect every nook and cranny of the four-floor floating new era of the Bay Area Council, from the engine room, to secret balconies, to the fireplace, to the conference center and hi-tech conference rooms, our jewel-box board room, the pilot houses, the museum, the grand staircase, the stunning roof deck and gardens and so much more. Pull up a chair at the bar, and walk through the cut-through of the smokestack and look up, up, up at the skylight above.

Imagine coming here, and imagine creating your own gatherings on the Klamath. This will be a gathering place and crossroads for the Bay Area. But, you get to see it first.

Date & Time

John Grubb image
John Grubb

Chief Operating Officer

(415) 946-8705

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