Mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 20 from 12:30 to 5 p.m. when the Bay Area Council presents our 2023 Pacific Summit presented by Kaiser Permanente, followed by a reception from 5-6 p.m. The Pacific Summit, which will be held aboard our floating HQ the Klamath in San Francisco, is the Council’s annual major thought-leader gathering, featuring the biggest names in business and government.
Past speakers have included Fortune 500 CEOs, heads of state and governors, cabinet secretaries, Congressional representatives, and leading figures in politics, media and culture. This year we’ll be welcoming U.S. Senior Official for APEC Matthew Murray to give his insights on the APEC Leaders Summit coming to San Francisco in November. Another panel, featuring mayors of major Bay Area cities, will focus on the future of our metropolitan centers and downtown spaces as we work to recover from the effects of the pandemic. We’ll also be hosting a collection of small-group salon discussions where you will be able to engage directly with experts on critical topics ranging from sustainability to the future of healthcare. See the full list of salon discussions here>>
The Pacific Summit is an important source of financial support for the Council’s continuing policy work.
Become a sponsor today! Learn about what sponsorship opportunities are available here>>
Register your sponsorship here>>
Individual tickets are now available. Purchase individual tickets here>>
Thank you so much for your support and we hope to see you for an enlightening, engaging afternoon.
For more information, please contact Senior Associate for Communications, Marketing and Events Cameron Hendrickson