Bay Area Council Applauds Gov. Newsom for Executive Order on Homeless Encampments

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The Bay Area Council today (July 25, 2024) released the following statement on Gov. Newsom’s Executive Order calling for the removal of unsafe encampments and connecting unhoused residents with shelter and housing. The Council submitted an amicus brief urging the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case (Grants Pass v Johnson) that precipitated Gov. Newsom’s order.

“Getting our many thousands of unhoused residents indoors and out of unsafe, unhealthy and inhumane outdoor encampments is critical to ending California’s homelessness crisis,” said Jim Wunderman, President and CEO of the Bay Area Council. “We were proud to file an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case that is spurring Gov. Newsom’s executive order and we applaud the Governor for his decisive action. California cities must now rise to meet this moment, to grab this opportunity and provide the shelter and housing that can end our long homelessness nightmare and restore a sense of order and civility to our streets, sidewalks and other public spaces. This is not about criminalizing the unhoused it’s about meeting our responsibility to help our neighbors.”

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