Decision Near on Fix for Richmond–San Rafael Bridge Traffic

Similar to the traffic slog that needlessly delays weekday commuters traveling west on the Richmond–San Rafael Bridge connecting Contra Costa and Marin counties every morning, a plan advanced by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and supported by the Bay Area Council to fix the problem has been mired in its own backup. Thankfully, after a year of delay by the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), a decision on the future of the plan may now be close at hand as BCDC prepares to take up the matter on Thursday, April 3 (postponed from the March 20 meeting). The plan initially calls for repurposing the third lane on the upper deck of the span to move accidents and broken-down vehicles out of the way of other motorists and keep traffic flowing – and avoid polluting congestion that backs up into nearby Richmond streets and neighborhoods.

Delays from accidents also force many commuters who can’t afford to be late for work, including teachers and nurses, to leave their homes sometimes 45 minutes sooner than they normally would and adding to already long days. The lane is currently serving as a dedicated bicycle and pedestrian lane under a pilot project that found it gets very little use. The bike lane would be reopened on weekends and a shuttle would transport bikers across the bridge during the week. Similar changes made to the lower deck for afternoon westbound commuters have been successful in reducing delays from traffic and accidents. Separately, the Council is working on future plans to allow transit vehicles and carpools to use the lane.

Caltrans has endorsed the  plan along with many of other groups, including the Marin County Board of Supervisors, the Richmond NAACP, Marin Association of Public Employees, Contra Costa Transportation Authority, California Alliance for Jobs, Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors (Supervisor John Gioia recused himself due to his position as a BCDC commissioner). Over 17,000 Bay Area residents have signed a petition in support.

The Council urges you to contact BCDC and express your support for making this important change. You can attend the meeting on April 3 at 1 p.m. and voice your support or email a written public comment to

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